Saturday, 7 September 2013

Human Development Index
In  the  era  of  21st century where  we  talk  about  sustainable development, the very  first  requirement  is  to  understand  that  “What  development actually  means?”.So  at  this  point  of  discussion we  should  be  cleared  about  the  concepts  related  to growth  and  development, so  as  to  understand  about  HDI .The  growth and  development  depends  upon certain  indices. These indices decide the pattern of growth and development of an economy.
  • Increase in output of goods and services
  • Increase in per capita output
  • Institutional and technological changes
  • Stability in Economy

  So as the basics of these indicates the growth of an economy is based upon.
One of such indices to calculate growth and development is a “Human Development Index”. It is in use since 1990 which was prepared by United Nations under UN Development programme. The Human Development Index is a composite of three different indicators viz.
i)                   Life  expectancy at birth
ii)                Educational attainment
iii)              Per capita income
Life expectancy is a desired objective in the fields of health, infant and child mortality and nutrition. The desired progress made in these fields by human being, decides the life expectancy or what we call it as longetivity. The educational attainment is mainly encompassed of adult literacy rate and thereby a combined primary, secondary and tertiary enrollment ratio in the primary and higher secondary school/levels.
The third and most important indicator is per capita income. This indicator is a measure based on overall satisfaction of every individual. This indicator also reflects the level of employment and generation opportunities among the people. The HDI runs through maximum to minimum which denotes the level of growth and development. The index denotes that as the income goes beyond certain cutoff point it becomes increasingly less important, assuming that the rise in income beyond certain point is subject to the diminishing returns.
(Note: - The first two indicators are social in nature, whereas, the third indicator is economic one.)
Importance of this Index:-
i)                   The index is more importance for less developed countries. The index projects the relationship of social factors which economic factors.
ii)                HDI gives an emphasis on quality of life. So it attracts the attention of government or public towards utilising more and more resource towards health and education.
iii)              The HDI projects the gap to be covered by less developed countries as compared to Developed Countries.
iv)              As the index has a quality of dynamic index. The index projects the dynamism in a said population at a specific period of time.
Human Development Index (HDI) - 2012 Rankings (2013 Human Development Report)
Very High
Human Development
1.      Norway
2.      Australia
3.      United States
4.      Netherlands
5.      Germany
6.      New Zealand
7.      Ireland
7.      Sweden
9.      Switzerland
10.  Japan
11.  Canada
13.  Iceland
15.  Denmark
16.  Israel
17.  Belgium
18.  Austria
18.  Singapore
20.  France
21.  Finland
21.  Slovenia
23.  Spain
25.  Italy
26.  Luxembourg
29.  Greece
31.  Cyprus
32.  Malta
33.  Andorra
33.  Estonia
35.  Slovakia
36.  Qatar
37.  Hungary
38.  Barbados
39.  Poland
40.  Chile
41.  Lithuania
43.  Portugal
44.  Latvia
45.  Argentina
46.  Seychelles
47.  Croatia

Human Development
48.  Bahrain
49.  Bahamas
50.  Belarus
51.  Uruguay
52.  Montenegro
52.  Palau
54.  Kuwait
56.  Romania
57.  Bulgaria
59.  Cuba
59.  Panama
61.  Mexico
62.  Costa Rica
63.  Grenada
64.  Libya
64.  Malaysia
64.  Serbia
69.  Kazakhstan
70.  Albania
72.  Dominica
72.  Georgia
72.  Lebanon
77.  Peru
78.  Ukraine
80.  Mauritius
82.  Azerbaijan
84.  Oman
85.  Brazil
85.  Jamaica
87.  Armenia
89.  Ecuador
90.  Turkey
91.  Colombia
92.  Sri Lanka
93.  Algeria
94.  Tunisia

Human Development
95.  Tonga
96.  Belize
96.  Fiji
96.  Samoa
100.          Jordan
101.          China
102.          Turkmenistan
103.          Thailand
104.          Maldives
105.          Suriname
106.          Gabon
107.          El Salvador
108.          Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
108.          Mongolia
110.          Palestine (State of)
111.          Paraguay
112.          Egypt
113.          Moldova (Republic of)
114.          Philippines
114.          Uzbekistan
116.          Syrian Arab Republic
117.          Micronesia (Federated States of)
118.          Guyana
119.          Botswana
120.          Honduras
121.          Indonesia
121.          Kiribati
121.          South Africa
124.          Vanuatu
125.          Kyrgyzstan
125.          Tajikistan
127.          Viet Nam
128.          Namibia
129.          Nicaragua
130.          Morocco
131.          Iraq
132.          Cape Verde
133.          Guatemala
134.          Timor-Leste
135.          Ghana
136.          Equatorial Guinea
136.          India
138.          Cambodia
138.          Lao People's Democratic Republic
140.          Bhutan
141.          Swaziland

Human Development
142.          Congo
143.          Solomon Islands
144.          São Tomé and Príncipe
145.          Kenya
146.          Bangladesh
146.          Pakistan
148.          Angola
149.          Myanmar
150.          Cameroon
151.          Madagascar
152.          Tanzania (United Republic of)
153.          Nigeria
154.          Senegal
155.          Mauritania
156.          Papua New Guinea
157.          Nepal
158.          Lesotho
159.          Togo
160.          Yemen
161.          Haiti
161.          Uganda
163.          Zambia
164.          Djibouti
165.          Gambia
166.          Benin
167.          Rwanda
168.          Côte d'Ivoire
169.          Comoros
170.          Malawi
171.          Sudan
172.          Zimbabwe
173.          Ethiopia
174.          Liberia
175.          Afghanistan
176.          Guinea-Bissau
177.          Sierra Leone
178.          Burundi
178.          Guinea
180.          Central African Republic
181.          Eritrea
182.          Mali
183.          Burkina Faso
184.          Chad
185.          Mozambique
186.          Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
186.          Niger

Vaibhav Pramod Rajdeep
Author (

  1. ·        World Human development Report 2013
  2. ·      Indian Economy- Problems of Development and Planning- A.N Agrawal sir, Page number- 13,14,15,16 and 17